Tips For a Successful School Year

Tips For a Successful School Year

It is the first week of August and many students will be starting back to school within the next few weeks. Depending on how your school year went last year, you may need to make some adjustments or improvements to your life and schedule to ensure a successful school year. Below are five tips to a great school year.

First, you need to get organized. You should start by collecting all the school supplies you will need for the year. If you are in elementary or middle school, your teacher may give you a list of what you need. If you are in high school and you don’t have a list think about what worked for you last year and what didn’t work for you. For example do you want a separate notebook for each subject or one big 3 ring binder that holds everything? After you have gathered your school supplies, you must organize your desk for elementary or your locker for older students. Have a place for pens and pencils, another place for your textbooks and notebooks, and a place for your personal items. Your locker is your home away from home at school so it also helps to put up pictures or drawings that make you smile. Lastly, you must organize your study area at home. Clear off your desk or workspace so you have some place to study and do your homework at home.

Second, I recommend meeting your teachers before school starts. It might seem a little nerdy for high school students, but it is very important to meet your teachers before all the other kids do. It gives a great first impression that you are excited and interested in learning. On the first day of school, your teachers will be meeting so many new students and you will have the advantage of already knowing your teacher. He/she will remember you better and be more likely to help you from the beginning.

Third, evaluate your schedule. It is so important to create a feasible after school schedule for yourself. You must set aside homework time, preferably at the same time each day. You should evaluate your extra-curricular activities. You do not want to overbook yourself with clubs, sports, music classes, and whatever else you are involved in. If you over-extend yourself, your studies will suffer. Don’t forget to include some down time when you can rest, watch TV, and hang out with friends and family.

Fourth, stay current with all of your assignments and readings from the first day of school. This may sound obvious, but so many students don’t do this. The first week of school, each of your teachers wants you to read a chapter in the textbook for next week. You think to yourself, I have all week to get this done and then Sunday night arrives and you are supposed to read 5 chapters all together by the next day. Don’t let yourself get into this situation. You won’t be able to get it done and you are already behind 5 days into the new school year.

Fifth, if you do fall behind, find a tutor immediately. Often times, students can easily become lost in a large classroom full of students. Or, they might feel embarrassed asking questions in front of the class. This is why a one-on-one at home tutor is so important to have. A student will be comfortable in his/her own home and will be able to ask as many questions as necessary in a safe environment.